Sunday, March 10, 2013

I and She on a scooter

Me on a scooter,Tired but steady,
Was passing through the market,crowded but quiet.
With Red sun low on the horizon,and birds flying low,
I was expecting a rain and a blow.

A sweet glance and a devious smile,was all I need,
I slowed down for the charming and beautiful.
With voice charming,”I want a lift to the railway station?”,was all she need.
Now,Me and She on a scooter,Invigorated and convulsive.

Enthralling was the way with slight intermittent drizzle for the rest of the day,
Crushed on the way,Love seemed to be waiting for us on the highway.
Suddenly,on a precarious turn,Scooter made a nasty sound,
Against my will,it reduced its speed and the battery indicator halved and decided to stop abruptly.

Still,a mile to cover,I stood heartbroken,
She waived her hand,again.
A long car stopped,a lucky driver sood by and again,a voice charming was to be heard.
Life is a box of choclate,I recalled.

-Gunjan Sinha


  1. I think this could do with a little editing.
    Other than that, it's a really sweet poem, simple yet sweet. :D

    1. hi there,I actually wrote this a few of years back during my school days.
      I wanted to post this without editing.I think it is always fun to read your old writings.Its like going back in time. :)
      And ,Thanks for reading and reviewing.

  2. Beautiful:) I feel sorry for the guy on the scooter ha ha:)

    1. thanks Bushra,,, :) i was waiting for your comment .

  3. sometimes in our age life is definitely a box of chocolate. nicely composed.

    1. Thanks Sir,I read about you on your blog,and thanks for appreciation.I was in a must need of one .
      Again,keep visiting ,
