Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The best ...

Last ten days ,I have been travelling hard crossing scores of bridges and barren lands.With scorching heat teaming with high humidity was making the life tough outside.The high skyscrapers with flourishing shopping malls and taxis and cars running with snail's speed was making easy for the road side poor children to earn his livelihood. Well,this was an observation not a final verdict for the metropolitan cities which was adding to the country's GDP and also making India to stand in the row of developing nations.To break the ice,I was travelling through Delhi,Bangalore and Patna to meet my old friends.
Change the topic Please...

I was sleeping in the second AC compartment of Delhi-Bangalore Rajdhani Express.The coach was cosy and the service was second to none.The food was splendid and attendant kept asking,"Sir,Is the temperature right?".I was astonished.With the sun peeping through the window of the bathroom ,I attended nature's call with full comfort and joy.After flushing ,I opened the bathroom door only to see a couple of aunties waiting for me to come outside.The scene also had a couple of waiter running to and fro serving the passengers.The pantry car was adjacent to mine and first AC was on the other side of the pantry car.So,to create the picture ,pantry car separated the first AC compartments with the others.With empty stomach I landed on my seat and looked for the waiter for breakfast.A couple of waiters were staggering towards the other compartment (most probably 3 AC) with plates full of sandwiches and teacups.I almost shouted,"Waiter! Waiter !" but in vain .He seemed to be in a hurry.I decided to wait for his return.

I thought in meantime,I was in 2 AC ,So service should begin from first,second and then third rather than first,third and then second.I was irked a little.After ten minutes(approx) ,I saw the waiter returning with empty plates.I stopped him and asked him a couple of questions...
Me: Your service is not the Best.
Waiter:I am sorry.Sir but we are serving the best to you.
Me:You must first cover the 2 AC  before attending 3 AC.
Waiter:Exactly Sir.We serve you the best and this is not the best,Sir.Preparing the best is little time consuming.

I was puzzled and a smile spread on my lips after hearing his answer.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Me and a street dog :HIs lost purpose

I was walking alone along the road pushing myself as fast as I could, staggering all through my way with my legs running as fast as my hear beat. The hooting sound of the owl and the screeching sound of a wolf with a dog at a distance squalling like a small child gave a chill though my spine. I was stuck in a limbo for a while and my soul lay under the apprehension of some invisible satanic power. The night was almost dark with no street lights and unfortunately, most part of the moon has decided to break that night.

The rustling of leaves of long oak trees with a street dog passing in the other lane with his brown eyes turning as red as blood in that gloomy and frightful night. He growled and screeched his teeth in vengeance. It was the same dog who under the scorching heat of the sun was bullied and pelted with stones by the boys and the passer-by. He beared the agony and frustration of the people on his body. He suffered hits and wounds with an empty stomach.Still,he didn't bite anyone.Today,even in the darkness of this dreadful night, I took a calculated risk.I slipped my hands in my bag and searched for my lunch box.The food was left intact and untouched due to my hectic schedule.The lunch box had some stale chapattis with stuffed rice which was not stuffed anymore,a oily sabzi with some nutritious carrot as salad and some pickle was everything, I had managed in the morning.He,the natural sniffer must have sniffed the presence of food in the vicinity.He starting barking looking at both ends of the roads as to bully away the other scavengers.

This dog was tall,long-bodied and long-legged.His lean posture made his rib visible and made clear that he was starving.The jungle adjacent to the city didn't have stored much for animals like dogs.Mostly it had scavengers who fed on smaller animals which were not easy to find since the humans started invading their homes for food and shelter.Most of the animals like dogs usually started feeding on human thrown-away.The city didn't have many street dogs.Most of them were captured and thrown back to the jungle to die of starvation.Thanks to Municipality.Dogs once in the manger policy was today looking for some policy to live.
He came waging his tail which I took as a gesture of peace and acceptance.I opened my tiffin box,grabbed a couple of chapattis mixed with some oily sabji and threw away in the other direction.The dog should have run away in the direction of food but,instead it started staring at me with a little growling sound.I was dumbstruck.In know time I realized what he want.The whole food...?

I was shaking.I emptied my tiffin.To confuse the creature I threw the remaining chapattis in different direction but I forgot the little fact that a dog is a smart animal.After a couple of minutes I was holding my empty tiffin with nothing remaining but a couple of carrots.I realized that the dog has noticed the greediness in me.But I too had not eaten since morning.I threw the carrots too.This time to tease the dog I aimed the carrot for the sewer.The dog still was unmoved.His staring made me frighted and confused.What he wants now.I realized soon.The whole tiffin...?

I didn't earn much but I was able to afford another tiffin. Dishearteningly,I get rid of my tiffin too.It beared my name which I have written so that it doesn't get mix with the others.I thought of retrieving it the next time.The dog was not going to eat the metal,I thought.In order to fool him,I threw it in the bushes. Their was a death silence for a couple of seconds.I was staring his bloodshot eyes which were communicating in some language unknown to me.It started slavering and started waging his tail as if asking for more.I indicated my finger towards the emptied tiffin lying behind the bushes.Hoping it would go running towards the chapattis but,something unfortunate happened.

The tiffin somehow hit one of the wild dog resting behind the bushes.He woke up hastingly,jumped over the the wild and started howling at me.His barking soon turned into baying which attracted a pack of dogs not far away which was also looking for food.And,here I have thrown food in all direction.Thanks to my intelligent mind.I was growing disarray and insane.In no time I was circled by scores of dogs howling,growling and baying at me and him.Yes,he choosed to stayed with me.He too was barking at them with all his might.He jumped over them and soon a wild dog fight begun.The dust soon covered the darkness of the night.I was helpless.The poor soul was going to die,I thought.But he was fighting for his food and not for me.It was choice. Meanwhile,I choosed to run as fast as I could from that mayhem.I kept running but a thought befuddled me,Why he choose to stay with me in that commotion?

A couple of days has passed.I was on leave.The next day I was accompanied with a friend.I narrated him the incident of the dog and the tiffin.He replied coldly after hearing,"Yes,dogs fight over foods.It is in their blood".My heart was not ready to accept this fact.Soon I was crossing the same path again.No barking was to be heard,a death silence enveloped the place with the dark night making the place look frightening.But what is that smell?
The smell was terrible.It was  burning all the way down.Covering my nose with  my handkerchief i decided to inspect the place.I looked towards the bushes.The same place where I threw away my tiffin.The smell grew harder like that of a dead meat.I was happy to see my tiffin but,Alas!The dog,the same poor dog for whom I threw away my tiffin lay cold beside the tiffin as if protecting it.Tears flow down my cheek.I was stunned and stood aghast over the situation.His wounds and injuries were totally shocking.His front leg was completely torn open swarming with maggots.With countless bite wounds on his head and around his ears he must have been through hell before dying.

Dishearteningly,I left the place with tears in my eyes.Though he was an animal but he had a heart and he proved once again human's best friend.Today,I still think of the situation and my mind ask the samw question again and again,"Did he fought for me or the food"?My heart says,"He choose to stay on your side"...  

Monday, April 29, 2013

क्या कह दूं ?

क्या कह दूं ?

चढ़ता हुआ सूरज कह दूं या लालिमा बिखेरती चन्द्रमा कह दूँ ,
खिलता हुआ फूल कहूँ या चंचल  धुप कहूँ ,
चिड़ियों का चहकना देखूं और ऊँचे बरगद की छाव देखूं ,
मुसाफीरों की चाल  देखूं या मंजिल की राह तकूँ ||

बच्चों की अटखेलियाँ देखूं या झूमता मल्हार देखूं ,
महकते खेत में झूमते फसल की लहर देखूं ,
और समुंदर की मस्ती को क्या कह दूँ  ,
अंत कहूँ की अंत की शुरुवात कह दूँ  ||

उसके प्यार को क्या कह दूं ,
और उसके इन्तेजार को क्या नाम दूं ,
उसकी चंचलता की तारीफ करूँ  या उससे प्यार करूँ ,
क्या करूँ ,क्या कह दूँ ||

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Still Waiting!

I am still waiting,
With patience and style,
Looking for a look,
Of grace and peace.
Simulated with anger and joy,
I am still learning.

Tough is to wait,
In nastiness and ridicule.
Fighting the isolation and stillness,
Of dearth and breach.
Tangled in silent complications, 
I am still waiting.

I will wait, 
With a code of respect and silence.
Creating the error,
Of your false presence and permanent absence.
Fallacy still remains, so subtle,
I am still learning and waiting.
                                                                                                      ©Gunjan SInha

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I and She on a scooter

Me on a scooter,Tired but steady,
Was passing through the market,crowded but quiet.
With Red sun low on the horizon,and birds flying low,
I was expecting a rain and a blow.

A sweet glance and a devious smile,was all I need,
I slowed down for the charming and beautiful.
With voice charming,”I want a lift to the railway station?”,was all she need.
Now,Me and She on a scooter,Invigorated and convulsive.

Enthralling was the way with slight intermittent drizzle for the rest of the day,
Crushed on the way,Love seemed to be waiting for us on the highway.
Suddenly,on a precarious turn,Scooter made a nasty sound,
Against my will,it reduced its speed and the battery indicator halved and decided to stop abruptly.

Still,a mile to cover,I stood heartbroken,
She waived her hand,again.
A long car stopped,a lucky driver sood by and again,a voice charming was to be heard.
Life is a box of choclate,I recalled.

-Gunjan Sinha

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Silent Excuse...

The sun shining with its full luminescense glowing the corners of the world but the hearts of many still choosed to stay in the darkness.As the scorching heat of the sun reached its full intensity at noon,the office hours witnessed a lunch.The lunch hours lasted for half an hour.An hour of silence and peace and today,with Emma around ,it was going to be a lunch of all times.

Patrick choosed the seat in the corner of the lunch room.The metal benches soon got occupied with all types of butts from different nations.The white and the blacks with brown and the yellow were soon sharing the common table.The place would have beared the look of a UN peace conference only if the legs of the members were not entangled in metal chains.”Commit a mistake and you will go to jail”,these voices kept ringing in his ears all the time he lookeed around the place searching for beloved ones.”Jail!Even if I go ,I will go to a five-star jail”,he would said arrogantly.”Then,you have to be an international criminal”,ironically these alarming lines proved as a motivation for Patrick in commiting crimes in his career of eleven evil years.He landed in this famous jail for fugitives in Illionis for his last crime he committed.A crime which was unaccceptable by the laws of any land in the living world.He did'nt killed anyone.Niether he looted anyone,nor he gave hateful speeches to enrage the masses.He was no political leader nor a godfather or anything near to godfather.

The office-hours in jail have been always a resting time for the convicts providing them with the opportunity to know each other and share their old-memoirs because new ones were too harsh and painful to remember.Time was running fast.He has'nt started eating yet.The crowd was growing fast in numbers and none of the officials have called him yet in the meeting room.The meeting time was next to lunch,”Emma might have forgotten”,Patrick thought or ,”Was the jailor enjoying his situation?”. The jail consisted of all kind of evil people.Was she treated well outside or Was someone hurting her with words ,his mind was working hard to think positive for Emma.

The lunch hours passed and still no call from outside.Emma must have forgotten,he thought.Fours hours passed in isolation and dead silence of his cell which has the occupancy of a single convict.Finally,the hour came by,he was called by the Jailor.Patrick was confused and apprehended of the time at which he was called.”Did something happened to Emma?”,he thought.Fear could be seen in his eyes and his heart beat increased with each foot steps.Patrick! Patrick!”,shouted the jailor.”Here is a parcel for you”.According to the jail-rules,the parcel brought for convicts should be open infront of the jailor.

In no time,the expressions changed from fear to joy.He toook the parcel.Though his hands were trembling,his heart was still.His feet firm and posture stout. He closed his eyes and thought of Emma and ,Boom!

A sheer silence covered the jail.The inmates were shocked.A bomb blast has occured in the jailor room.Their was a dead silence all around .The heart which has choosen to live in darknes was trying hard to look the brightness outside in the form of Emma.Emma,his daughter who died in the bomb explosion.A bomb-explosion planned by Patrick.

Many inmates in the jail were thanking Patrick who died a death which was a safe excuse to meet Emma.A silent excuse...

Monday, February 4, 2013

The confession of a somnolent.

After getting bored with Facebook and twitter,I see GOogle recognises twitter and not facebook.My fault,it does with a capital 'f'.
Yeah,I have come to know an important trait in my personality,i.e.,Laziness.I feel proud to reveal this sorry statement that i am somnolent.Or,i have grown this way since last week after I decided to enjoy life alone with a TV,Internet and some friends.The schedule was a success.But it failed miserably and gave me mental stress which allowed me to dream the dreams which i never thought I will ever dream off.Dreams start looking complicated when you start thinking in the dream,"What is the purpose of me in this dream"?The whole series of Matrix seemed to rotate with the speed of light in front of my eyes giving the message to the sycophant brain,"This dream is a dream and it never existed...Never existed."And I land into reality,on my bed with TV ON,windows shut,doors closed and High Speed Internet Connected.This was any teenage dream and I was living this dream.Thanks to my job.   
 Time for confessions
1:   Television side effects                                                                                                  You start watching Chunki Pandey and your heart starts appreciating the moves of Rakhi Sawant.The boring channels starts geting high TRP's from your side and the 2D television of yours begins to give you 3D effects with Dolby Digital Sound effect.The gloominess of the surrounding which has invaded the brain soon starts to govern the thoughts and their projection on the dreams.I too started showing symptoms which began clear to my brother when i started following Big Boss on facebook and began downloading its episodes . Nevertheless,it was a relief to my brother when i found that the entire season was not even available on internet.But I added to his horror when I started uploading Big Boss episodes on the internet.But,to my horror,it never got a peer till date.
2: Internet usage and data spent
Though I succeeded in uploading the entire season of Big Boss but my insight to the use of internet was completely different.I assure you , I did'nt download a single nibble of porn content.But I did watched a lot Justice League cartoon on you tube. Infact ,I watched all sort of cartoon and followed Comic Addicts community on facebook to which i added some serious stuffs.Even some cartoons from Pogo TV became my favourite.Though my brother turned mad all the time at me but I think he understood my condition.I spent most of the time cherishing the reality which my sub conscious mind created round me.I became a member of the justice league with Amazon woman as my fighting partner.But ,in that dimension,I missed my Ben 10,000 watch.After spending most of my real as well as virtual time in other dimension ,well other than with having cartesian,spherical and cylindrical contents,I also used my high speed internet to try fruitless attempts to hack my friend's email-id by employing all kinds of tips and tricks available on the internet.Well, I suppose I learned a little bit of virus programming. :)  Not to miss the fact,that I remained online on facebook,gtalk/google +,orkut,twitter and yahoo messenger all the time whether I was conscious,sub-conscious or unconscious.I lived my moment  but nobody dared chatting me the second time.So,I made a lot of friends.Making new friends-my new hobby and I did nt belive when I was reading the article written by me,"tips and tricks for making new friends in Less than 1 minute".
3: Food habits 
 I will only say that I behaved like a zombie feeding only on chicken and fishes with no or less than no green vegetables.Please don't ask who brought chickens and fishes.Chickens flew to me through my window and fishes came through water pipes and i usually found them enjoying swimming in the water basin and basking in the light of the tube-light.I successfully added a couple of kilos to my weight.

4:Something happened...
Well,something happened...
I starting talking to her.She and I shared the same classroom,9 hours a day for a long 12 years along with 60 odd boys and girls but sadly,I must admit we started talking and sharing our stories which happened years ago or which was happening or which was going to happen years ahead from then like best friends after 20 years ,somewhere near my 24th birthday.She was first to wish,first to spread a million dollar smile on my face where my facial expression parameters  can be said as non-linear,time variant.

*The nature's call was attended on a regular basis but bathing was temporary necessity during the somnolent period.
#To be continued
@In the next post-"A new addition to Zero:An old friend"